Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Harassment in a department store by security

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I was shopping in a department store in a New Jersey mall. My 5 year old decided to take a $20 item off the shelf and put it in his pocket. It must have been sticking out of his pocket because the security guard asked us to stop. I did, my boy was asked about the item and it was given back. The head of security wanted me to go with him to the back of the store to his office to talk. I told him there was nothing to talk about and that my son took the item and I would discipline him at home. He questioned whether I put it in his pocket. I told him to stop being crazy and that I was leaving the store. He said he would have to report the incident. I told him that if he wanted to, go ahead. I walked out with my son and the security guard didn't stop me. The manager said something about my credit card is on file but I didn't really pay attention. This is a 5 year old acting his age and he won't do it again. Still I wonder if they will try to do something about nothing because the manager was acting very authorotative and I think he wanted to show his power. Is this not the end of everything?
If they let you go & you didn't sign anything, that's probably the end of it. Of course, there is no way for us to know for sure.
They can use the info they have on file to ID you and file a Police report. However based on your post I don't see that happening.
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