Harassing Neighbor Who Caused Property Damage

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New Member
Since the first day I closed on my new house, I have had negative interactions with my neighbor. I had just opened my front door for the first time when my neighbor came over, introduced himself and requested me to let him show me something. He told me that my trees all needed to go in my yard, one due to a lightening strike, the other to it's overgrown appearance which was an eyesore to his house. It had been about a year later when one of the branches of the lightening struck tree had fallen, no where near his property, that he made a formal complaint to the city. I had already cut all my other trees down to satisfy him and in the end did cut this one down as well. Now I am trying to put a fence up and he has made threats to my contractor towards myself and the contractor. He even caused property damage of which I haven't heard the end result for yet. His language is fowl, he screams at the top of his lungs, and is constantly standing or pacing on the sidewalk of my property whenever I am trying to do work on my property. Always asking questions, bothering the paid help, making his kids sit out in lawnchairs to make sure no one is crossing the property line, you name it, he has tried it. His biggest complaint is that I won't talk to him. On one occassion, I did, however, it turned into him calling me fowl names and screaming at me, so I decided I was not going to interact with this gentleman no matter what in the future. I am single, have a dog, and have no desire to cheat him out of property or talk to him at all. I have a half lot with a smaller house on it, and am only trying to fix the place up as I made the mistake of not having it inspected appropriately before buying, and am now stuck with the consequences. I have done everything legal as far as getting permits, asking the right questions etc. I cannot get him off my back. There is so much more I have documented but I haven't found a way to legally get him off my back. Please help me before he poisons my dog, damages moreproperty, or harms me. Jenifer Heath
I would call the cops or look up the state laws on harrassment. I had a problem neighbor a few years back and I did a search on FL laws and it turned out to be a first degree misdemeanor what she was doing so I filed a complaint. Thankfully a month later she moved out. Maybe put up a couple of cameras outside the house??
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