grade appeal for cuny

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As a hygienist I can't practice because by the state NY I passed my exams but I haven't graduated because of the failure of this class. I've submitted my appeal to the school in July 7, 2013 and i still haven't gotten an answer. I would like to know of i can sue the school and what are the proper steps i can take.

My attendance record at both hospitals clearly indicates that I was absent a total of three times. The first seven weeks that I attended Lincoln Hospital with Professor and in Harlem hospital, I was only absent twice on the following dates; April 15*and*April 22. My supervisor at Harlem Hospital, Dr. has those records. Professor claims that I was absent on four occasions and late on five occasions. In the syllabus, it does not state that two lateness are equivalent to an absence. There is a serious discrepancy in the numbers provided by Professor. Professor states that all students were required to meet at Hostos by*8:20 AM on the scheduled day of class and then leave to be at the hospital by*9:00 AM. This however, was never stated in the syllabus as a requirement. I, like many other students reported to the hospital first and signed an attendance sheet there with Dr.
Professor states that I was late multiple times, however the syllabus defines late as "Arrival at the site location 15 minutes after scheduled starting time will constitute as lateness." My peers as well as hospital staff were witness to my arrival being the first student to arrive at the hospital before the other students. I was never notified or spoken to regarding possible failure, nor was I ever told by Professor that my attendance to the hospital was in vain because I was not reporting to school first and that I was in danger of failing.* 
* During the month of April, I submitted my only class exam. Professor has only recently said she never received my exam but I am more than sure I submitted it on the due date. At that point, there was still approximately five weeks of classes left and I was never notified about my exam missing. In April I passed my North East Regional Board exam; in June, I passed my Prometric Examination and shortly following I walked across the stage at my pinning ceremony on May 8, 2013 where my professors were present including Professor of the class. Again, it was not expressed to me that I was in jeopardy of failing. I was cleared for graduation and walked across the stage. Furthermore, I was approved to take my last National Dental Hygiene Board exam and passed it as well. And although grades were due on*May 31, 2013, I was not notified of a failing grade until mid June.*Professor was also with my group and myself during clinic hours at the however, Professor reason for not speaking with me is because she claims 'she never saw me'.
I was under the impression that a syllabus holds weight and outlines clearly the guidelines and expectations of a class. I agreed to follow the syllabus and I did, but I feel that Professor conclusion was not based on her terms agreed upon in the syllabus. Even if I was to accept the minus ten from the exam and the minus ten from absences because one absence is excused, I should have gotten a letter grade of B (80) for the class not an F grade. I know I handed in my exam because I gave it to her personally.*In addition, Professor used other students to relay messages to students she did not see on a regular basis, however she never attempted to have anyone communicate with me that she needed to speak with me regarding my status in the class. Lastly, professors of the Dental Hygiene program who experience scheduling conflicts with students always utilize the email system when correspondence is necessary and it was not utilized during these circumstances.

I have spoken to the chair man of the department of the dental hygiene and I have gone to academic affairs and they simply told me that it is being taken care with the committee of the school and how they where suppose to contact me and they haven't
What exactly have you done to follow up since you filed your appeal?

I have spoken to the chair man of the department and how his hands are tied and if the prof. doesnt want to change the grade it has to go to hire authority of the dental hygiene and I have gone to academic affairs and they simply told me that it is being taken care with the committee of the school and how they where suppose to contact me and they haven't
I have spoken to the chair man of the department and how his hands are tied and if the prof. doesnt want to change the grade it has to go to hire authority of the dental hygiene and I have gone to academic affairs and they simply told me that it is being taken care with the committee of the school and how they where suppose to contact me and they haven't

Then keep asking. You have no case at the moment (it's likely that you have no case at all, period). And believe me, if you do try to sue the school might bury you in legal fees.
Then keep asking. You have no case at the moment (it's likely that you have no case at all, period). And believe me, if you do try to sue the school might bury you in legal fees.
I dont want to sue the school i just want the problem resolved because i dont think its fair for me to repeat a class when i was present and a class that has nothing to do with the licensing exam. So in all reality then i just have to keep waiting then?
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I don't think you have much choice but to keep asking/keep waiting. It's very doubtful you have a case against the school.
Have you bothered to politely approach the professor and discuss the issue? I know of a student who worked through most of college in addition to having a baby. When the end of college came, due to class retakes and averaging, she was a fraction of a percent off of receiving her degree. After a discussion with the professor and the college dean, they decided to remove one poor attempt on a repeated class, allowing graduation.
Flies are drawn to honey, and repelled by vinegar.
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