Corporate Law Going through common law seperation and both own corporation business

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New Member
we are going through a common law seperation and i want to keep the business and us to try to on a business level maintain it together. is this allowed to happen if one of us dont want to sell and also there is a huge debt owing to the government taxes of around $70,000.00 , i would prefer to work on paying our debts that we have and getting to a better financial spot and then re analize the situation fairly for both of us so that the last 2 years of operation and hard work where not for nothing, from first day we met till now we both worked hard together to have a family, house, and our own business. i was a stay at home mom and worked part time and contributed everything i could give both in the domectic field and financially the last 15 years of my life are now tied into this business and i will have nothing if i loose it not only that but the business is part of who we are we put our hearts and soul into it. what are the options in this situation
thank you
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