GNC supplements


New Member
I took GNC total lean this past summer- caused me total panic disorder. I would wake up not knowing where i was , covered in sweat. Major intrusive thoughts! So scary
I took GNC total lean this past summer- caused me total panic disorder. I would wake up not knowing where i was , covered in sweat. Major intrusive thoughts! So scary

The problem is that while those effects occurred while taking those supplements, trying to trace those supplements as the actual cause of the effects is not easy. It could be, for example, that you failed to balance your diet to take into account what the supplement does, didn't drink enough water, or whatever. Or it may be that something else you did during that period caused the panic attacks. The point here is that simply having those effects while taking the product is not itself conclusive proof of causation.

Even if we assume that the problems were caused by the product, there is the issue of whether the manufacturer is liable for that. If the company took reasonable steps to ensure the product was safe and to warn about any known potential dangers of it then it was not negligent and therefore generally would not be liable for the harm caused. So let's say you suffered some kind allergic reaction to an ingredient in the product and the ingredient list on the package told you that ingredient was in there. That's likely enough for the company to have met its duty. You'd have to look at the ingredients then to see if contained something to which you were allergic.

Finally, if you can prove causation and prove the negligence, there is still the problem of damages. Unless you ended up with significant medical bills from this, lost a lot of work, or suffered some kind of lasting injury you'd not have enough in damages to make the cost of suing the company worthwhile.