Giving up parental rights



I am a father of a 15 year old daughter who has gone back and forth between her mother and I since our divorce in Jan 2014. I live in VA and my daughter is currently here. Her mother resides in TX. My daughter continues to pit us against each other if she doesn't get her way. Her mother is a viper who I must block on my phone and have had her arrested at least once for breaking into my house. Our divorce did not establish custody and so my daughter threatens to leave my house whenever she wants and her mother says she'll come and take her. I am stretched so thin with them and need to move on as they are destroying my current family. Can I legally relinquish my parental rights?
No, you can't. What you can do is teach your daughter that you are in charge and there are rules to follow in your home. Your daughter sounds to be heading toward delinquency and you will be responsible for whatever she does.
There are various counseling services available to help out.
She is 15 and doesn't get to make the decisions yet. Stop letting her have her way.
That seems extreme and unlikely to make this situation better. Also, you can not do this. I'd strongly suggest counseling for the both of you. You, to learn how to parent a teenager and her to deal with parents who can not even be civil. She can only pit you against one another if you let her.
Sure, you can send Daughter home to Mom and not see Daughter again, but you will still have the obligation of support.
Children are not property you can discard once you tire of them. (Not mean to be rude) If you care for your child then you need to do whatever you can to guide her in right direction. Legally you cannot terminate your rights unless other parent is married and that person wishes to adopt. If you value your child's future you will do what you can to turn her around before its too late. In my signature line is a link to a Parenting forum (hosted by this site) there you may find other parents who have dealt with similar situations and ask them what they did.