Furnishing alcohol to minor

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New Member
I was cited for BP25658 or "furnishing alcohol to a minor". The cops had a uncover operation going on. This girl they used as a decoy was dressed and looked like a homeless panhandler, and in NO WAY looked like a minor. In El Cajon you find homeless panhandlers at EVERY 7/11. I pulled in and this person approached me as I got out of my car. She said she has no ID and just wanted ONE CAN of BEER. She handed me money and I did it. Six cops immediately busted me.

Now I know what I did was wrong and I'm not trying to get out of this. The problem is I was just laid off. I know to get a job in my field I can not have ANY conviction of any sort on my record. This will greatly affect my livelihood for the next 7-10 years.

The Public Defender didn't even what to hear my side of the story or my circumstances. She offered me this:

Having the "Furnishing alcohol to a minor" reduced to a "Disturbing the peace". She claimed it was the lowest Misdemeanor charge possible.
Having the fine of $4000 reduced to $500. (Although when I looked up this charge in the B&P code book it said the max penalty was a $1000).

I told her ANY conviction will prevent me from getting a job in my field. In desperation I even tried a counter offer, which I thought to be more then fair and reasonable. I offered to pay the entire $4000 fine and do what ever else the court asks in order to get this reduced to an INFRACTION.

She told me that's out of the question. I then got an extension.

Everyone knows the city of El Cajon is in huge financial trouble, near bankrupt. That's why they did this undercover operation in the first place. To generate some funds.

My question to everyone is?
Wouldn't the City/Court much rather have the huge fine amount, rather then putting a mark on my record and receiving no money?
Being unemployed I will show hardship and ask for work duty instead of paying the fine.

My second question:
Considering the facts of this case and my employment circumstances, is getting this reduced to an INFRACTION in any possible way completely out of the question?
Is it the courts intention to keep me from working in my field? Right now I'm collecting unemployment and a burden on the state.

Last question:
Is hiring my own attorney my only option? The one I talked to wanted $1500 just to attempt to get it reduced.
Why can't I tell the Judge and/or DA my story and circumstances myself?

Ok any and all tips and suggestions would be appreciated.
If the stakes are so high, perhaps you best at least consult with a number of attorneys and ask their input.

Although your suggestion of paying more money to avoid the misdemeanor conviction has a certain logic to it, the courts can't really do that all the time, for then rich people would be able to commit offenses with impunity.

And I'm curious, what job are you seeking that won't allow any convictions? As far as furnishing goes, I know if convicted of that in my state, you can't be hired as a teacher. Disturbing the Peace sounds like you go a little too vociferous protesting tree cutting, or politics, etc. . .

I'm also curious why an argument can't be made for "entrapment." I know police run underage stings all the time at bars and stores, but those people are to be held to a higher standard. . .
Im a software engineer in the banking/morgage industry. I get access into a banks database.
Yes I thought entrapment too. But Public Defender siad its perfectly legal what they did. I had absolutly nothing to gain from this crime.
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