friend in need

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New Member
My friend has a problem. Her husband walked out on her for another woman leaving her the house and kids and ALL debt they both had accumulated. She has been receiving Child Support however that and her income is not enough to take care of all the bills. He isn't helping to take care of any of the bills which has left my friends credit score too low to refinance. She doesn't want to loose the home her children have grown up in because it would be too hard on them and they've been through enough. Can that new law about morgage help, help her? Where should I start to help her? I know she has to refinance to get his name off of the home loan. How can she do this without having to sell her home? Please help she has 4 children and the oldest is only 10. If you can point me in the right direction it would greatly be appriciated. Oh, we are in IL.
it is sometimes suggested'some one who needsyour help become friendly in order to obtain it'.And someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend.
one who needsyour help become friendly in order to obtain it'.And someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend.
it is sometimes suggested'some one who needsyour help become friendly in order to obtain it'.
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