Friend Claiming Money Was Loan

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New Member
Today I received a notice that I was being sued for $425. by a former friend.
She claims she loaned me this money in Jan. 2007 with the term that it was to be paid back in 1 year. She also listed 3 dates that I allegedly paid her 10.00, 10.00, and 5.00 which I never did.
I never ASKED her for the money to begin with. I was having money issues at the time and she offered to help me out. The money was never conveyed as a 1 year loan and was never even brought up until now. My question is why did she wait for almost 2 years after the alleged loan should have been paid back and just a few weeks after I moved out of her boyfriend's rental house to decide it was an issue and do something about it? I never signed anything or offered her payments as she listed.
The bottom line is that this is being done as an act of revenge by someone I thought was a good friend.
If she produces any kind of paperwork or receipts, they are fraudulant.
What can I do to defend myself?
Go to her and make a payment plan and pay her back. If you go to a judge and tell him/her it wasn't a loan you are going to end up with a judgment. A judge is going to believe it was a loan. How many times have you "given" $425 to someone?
I wish she had come to me and asked me about the money before she did what she did.
We both rented from the same landlord and lived next door to one another. She has a personal relationship with him.
When they found out I was moving, the nasty things started happening.
They anonymously called the SPCA about my dog (the officer came and stated she saw no issues with him), the city rental officer received a call about the house I was going to move into which was their attempt to cause problems for me as well as the friend whose house I moved into, the night before my big move, he shut all the lights off in our driveway so I couldn't see in the dark to pack up my car, he has been driving slowly past the house I have moved into just to harass me and then she comes up with the suit for the money which she has never mentioned for the last 3 years.
Now do you see why I'm upset?
She also claims on the suit that I made 3 measly payments to her-I never did!!!
She lied on the paperwork she filed!
I really don't want to go to court, but part of me wants to go and see her get caught in her own lies.
I would make an offer to repay her if she drops the suit. You don't want a judgment recorded against you.
She loaned you this money almost 3 years ago. Why didn't you begin the process of paying her back? I would bet she filed the lawsuit when she realized you were moving and she might never be able to find you regarding you paying her back.

All of the other stuff you mention plays no role in any of this.

She knows very well where I moved. Her boyfriend/my previous landlord has been stalking around here since I moved in.
I intend on giving her the money as soon as possible-I just want her and boyfriend to stay out of my life and leave me alone. For the 4 1/2 yrs. I lived in that house she and him watched every move I made. I had no privacy whatsoever.
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