Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Friend caught in Michigan - will I get in trouble too?

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My friend and I went to a store and she put a lot of stuff in her bag, half was for me and half was for her. It totaled $169. She was the only one with a bag and the only one to rip the tags off of anything. However, it was my purse that she had borrowed for the day. We were caught as we were leaving and she was arrested and brought to jail. I wasn't arrested because they said they had to analyze the tapes to see my involvement first, but the cop said he was almost certain I would be issued a warrant for my arrest and that we would both be charged huge fines by Walmart. My friend has court in a few days and I'm waiting to hear what happens with me, I'm just curious as to if I'll be getting in trouble or not. There shouldn't be anything on the cameras with me putting anything in the bag or ripping any tags off, the most I did was remove a hanger and put a shirt in the cart. Will I be getting in trouble for this? Also, my friend wants me to go to court with her, but I'm wondering if I can get called up as a witness and have to testify against her or myself if I attend her hearing. Please help me out, thank you!
This is a classic accomplice case. Keep your mouth shut and do not talk to the police. They may have been trying to scare you. Also, do not go to your friends trial unless they subpoena you as a witness for the defense. You can then invoke your fifth amendment right. Do not incriminate yourself, I think you dodged a bullet.
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