Free Legal Forms!!

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Help on traffic arrest.

This afternoon my wife and I were driving to the grocery store. She wasn't speeding and was obeying all traffic laws. She was pulled over and asked if she knew why she was being pulled over.

Neither of us had a clue. The officer stated that my wife's licence was suspended for a 12 month 12 point violation. He states his reason as probable cause for the traffic stop.
As far as we knew we had paid any and all fines my wife had previously and had her license reinstated. We had the receipts and the FL DMV renewed her licence and registration several months before.

He arrested my wife. and continued to ask incriminating questions. She was not read her rights before they searched the vehicle, she was not asked if they could search the vehicle and she was not escorted to the jail by a female officer as she requested. She was completely honest and cooperative.
As soon as they search was complete the officers left the keys on the seat and allowed me to drive the vehice away. If we made a mistake, we would like to fix it but neither of us is into breaking any type of laws. Was her arrest and the search of the vehicle lawful?
Are the new legal forms out yet?

We've just put out three as a sample because the first layout wasn't acceptable. It also required the input of credit cards even though there was no charge. Here is a sample of what they will look like - they will all be done for the first Monday in February and will be updated daily during this week of LegalTech NY.
Doesn't seem like forms that very people on this forum would use. Are the ones up still samples?
Are the forms that are posted still the samples?
Are the forms posted, still the sample forms?
Loaned money to a friend

Hundreds of free legal forms coming this weekend, an early holiday present to all of you!!!

As the title says ,I loaned money to a friend of mine to the sum of $4600. He is unable to pay me now for he is only working a part time job, We have agreed that he will pay me when he gets a full time job.Is there a legal form that I can download for him to sign and do I have to get it notarized????
As the title says ,I loaned money to a friend of mine to the sum of $4600. He is unable to pay me now for he is only working a part time job, We have agreed that he will pay me when he gets a full time job.Is there a legal form that I can download for him to sign and do I have to get it notarized????

This should be requested in the forms section but I see why you posted it here. There are loan agreements but what you are asking for itself is not a good idea and isn't well thought out. For example, what does it mean "when he gets a full time job?" What if he makes $5 an hour? what if he only works 6 hours a day - is that full time? You are best providing a certain date where payments are due and you can always make an extension and protect your rights. Having it contingent on certain events happening is not a good idea. I'll look into the forms this weekend. We'll have a completely different forms section here shortly which will provide a real benefit for file downloads.
Hundreds of free legal forms coming this weekend, an early holiday present to all of you!!!
I cant get into that section at a;ll- it tells me the path or something isnt valid when I click on the hyperlink on the home page.

Not sure if anyone else is having the same problem? I tried from 2 diff computers too
I cant get into that section at a;ll- it tells me the path or something isnt valid when I click on the hyperlink on the home page.

Not sure if anyone else is having the same problem? I tried from 2 diff computers too
Thanks - I'll look into this shortly.
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