Fourth Amendment


New Member
Rhode Island
I want to know whether a subpoena pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 2703 does not violate the 4th amendment seek historical gps location data from a mobile phone
If you think it does, hire a lawyer.

Maybe if you have to pay for legal representation you'll provide the lawyer with all the background leading up to your question, none of which you have provided here.
I want to know whether a subpoena pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 2703 does not violate the 4th amendment seek historical gps location data from a mobile phone

Probably not, according to some anonymous dude on the Internet.
Mate, if they've nabbed you, stop blabbing and talk ONLY to your lawyer.
Agree that you need a lawyer if you do not already have one. You can ask the lawyer all of your questions.