Former controlling roommate withholding property

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California

My former roommate (I'll call him B) has done a few nasty things. First, he wouldn't allow me to sign a lease by convincing me that when it's month to month I didn't need to. He was a decent friend so I was naive and kind of believed him. Just to double check, I did ask our elderly building managers for a copy of the lease, they never gave it to me (maybe gave it to the former roomie and he didn't pass on? Possible). But I never received it and since they knew I was a new roommate and because B had assured me that there was no need, I stupidly didn't push it. I had lived there for about 4 yrs when I had relocated for a few months back to the Midwest to help and be closer to family (this was in Sept of 08'). I found B's best friend to sublet my room while I was gone. The sublet (I'll call him D) and I had agreed that I would pay the full month's rent for September even though I left on Sept. 15th. In exchange, I would be coming back towards the end of March a couple of weeks early and he will have covered the whole of March. Due to the economy while I was back in Chicago I could not find a job so I ended up coming back to LA early. I sent an email to B, D and the third roomie about my unfortunate circumstances and asked to come stay on the couch until I could find a sublet until the end of March. Needless to say, B flew off the handle, starting yelling at me during a phone call and said he didn't want me to come back, his best friend D was going to replace me. There had been times while living there when we would argue and out of anger he said he could "kick me out" whenever he wanted, that's why he doesn't allow anyone else on the lease. I ignored it, a statement made in anger isn't always true. Anyway, I've been homeless and sleeping on couches since I've returned. D refused to pay the other half of the September rent because he wasn't involved in what happened to between B and I. I have moved most of my things into storage but since it was done in such a rush, I left several small and a couple big things behind. My questions are:
1 - I know I'm not protected because I was not on a lease, but is there anything that can be said to the building owners in regards to this, to him being a controlling and keeping tenants off the lease for his power issues?
2 - D & B will not respond my repeated (and nicely worded) emails requesting the rest of my things. Even though I'm trying to be nice, I can only take so much. I've been kicked out and now they're being completely rude and immature on top of it.
3 - Even IF they respond and allow me to pick up my things, should I get a police escort? I'm not sure I can handle someone who randomly flies off the handle and makes rash decisions.

Thanks for the help!
LA Mess
1. No Your month to month contract was terminated when you left.

2. You weren't kicked out. You left. Did you get anything in writing in regards to their taking care of the items you left behind?

3. There's no guarantee that the police will even get involved in all of this, especially if you have nothing in writing to confirm what this deal was all about.

1. I was never allowed to sign any type of contract at all.
2. Never had anything in writing, the person who sublet my room didn't have any furniture so instead of putting my things into storage I let him use them. To be nice.

So you're telling me that because of his actions and my naivete/trust that I am completely, 100% unprotected. Basically, because he decided he wanted his best friend/band mate to stay there permantely and he didn't want me there because I asked him to clean up after himself, I lose the rights to my property?!? There's something wrong in that. That can not be the only answer.
I'm saying that because you have no evidence that 1. the agreement was you could move back into the rental unit after a certain time period and/or 2. that the use of your property was only temporary you'll have a hard time getting either the police or the courts to back up your claims.

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