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New Member
As a father of 6 I offer you my deepest condolences in the passing of your son, especially in such a violent way. I'm sorry you are further going through this insult to your injury. I would write a letter to Capital One's Counsel and tell him this story. Tell him/her that if they obtain a judgment against you that you will be forced to bankrupt against them. If you are fortunate they may take your situation into consideration.

If you do have to bankrupt it certainly is not the end of the world. If you have collections and charge offs it will actually HELP your credit to clean them all up at once. If you do Bankrupt, be sure to send your petition and your final discharge to the three major bureaus so that your credit report accurately reflects the current condition. Then, as soon as you can get a small loan and pay it faithfully. This will help you reestablish credit.

Keep your chin up. The bankruptcy system is there for just such an occasion. Don't sweat it.
If you think a Lawyer is expensive, wait until you have to fix what you did yourself!!!

do i contact the court or the lawyers that are sueing me.
Contact the lawyer's suing you. They MAY and I mean MAY, take a sympathetic stance toward you.
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