First Time Landlord In Caifornia Needs Advice

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New Member
I am going to be leasing my home. I have no experience with leasing. My biggest fear is of course, getting a non-pay tenant.

*How long can eviction process take in California?

*What must I do to protect myself in the event of non-payment so as to get the dead beat tenant out ASAP?

*How long can that take?

*What are the biggest pitfalls to avoid?
Any other advice that either an attorney or someone with experience could offer would be GREATLY appreciated!
Q: *What must I do to protect myself in the event of non-payment so as to get the dead beat tenant out ASAP?

A: Say to the deadbeat: "Here's $500 for you to move. Give me your keys."
Foremost, have your agreement written. You can follow standard lease contract according to your state requirements. In your covenant, have specific provisions for cases of non-payment, providing thereunder permissible stipulations as to default of payment or so. There are good numbers of considerations really, that is hard to point out. Good luck in your venture.
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