First thread...hopefully my last :/

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New Member
Hi, I searched online today at work and came across this site. I wanted to post a question.

I got pulled over this morning on my way to work. I was running late and I have a 25 min. drive so I was definitely speeding. I was pulled over by an unmarked NC Trooper, and was cited for going 82 in a 60. On the back of the ticket, the option is checked that it is mandatory that I appear in District Court at the time and place specified on the front of the ticket. Now, I've had a ticket in SC and pleaded no lo contende(spelling?), but have never had anything in NC, which is my home state. I know about prayer for judgments, and have searched this site. However, I'm not very clear on whether it applies to my situation with the amount over the limit I was driving. I know I was clearly speeding, but I honestly didn't think I was going 82. I'm sure I was though...not saying the officer was wrong. I really don't speed, though, and if a prayer for judgment was possible I'd definitely take it here, seeing how it is unlikely I'd get another ticket.

Is a PFJ an option for me? What steps do I need to take. Any help would be greatly appreciated...for my sake and for the sake of my wife not killing me. :eek:


North Carolina Speeding Ticket

This much over is grounds for suspension of your license in North Carolina. By now you should have numerous letters from attorneys wanting to represent you. Pick one.
Well, I just got the ticket this morning, so I doubt the post office has had time to get them to me. ;) I know anything over 15 will be grounds for suspending the license, and that the officer could have on the spot. Would a PFJ not apply with this amt. over the speed limit?
I'm a 24 yr. old newlywed still and money's just not growing on trees so paying some major lawyer fees might not be very realistic for me. If the ticket was a more minor one I'd just try to get it adjusted for 10 or under and forego the PFJ, but I was thinking this would be a good time to use one. (and seriously my only one)

Perhaps I can see if the ADA has office hours where I can talk to him/her before my court date to see if a PFJ is something I can do.
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