Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct first offince

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New Member
HI um i never done this befor so i hope this works
My friend was asking me to find out what is the charges for a first time offence of threatening someones life online by saying something like
"if you hurt her i will kill you,you think this is a game or something i will shoot you" wat is the charges for a first time offince for doing something like that
thank you i hope you can give me a clear answer that i can understand have a great day/night please send me and answer as quick as you can
Let's see, someone put a threat in WRITING. I believe we call that Stupidity in the second degree :) Seriously it is NEVER a good idea to threaten someone. However, though putting a threat in writing is not real bright (I've done dumb things like that so I'm not talking down to you), It is also hard to prove who did it. In other words, I could threaten you right now, and though it comes from my computer on my screen name and my IP it's still hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I DID IT.

The most important thing your "friend" can do is stop shooting his mouth or fingers off. The second thing to do is to NEVER admit that he did it to anyone. Third, if the police call, refuse to make ANY STATEMENT to them without an attorney present.

If you or your friend follow these steps it is unlikely that a charge will actually be filed. If a charge is filed there are several that kind of thing falls into but mostly "Terroristic Threats." Is what it is called. I'm not sure what it carries in SC but I'll look it up for you in a bit. Good luck.
According to article 17 (section 16-3-1700) of the South Carolina Code, it appears that a "pattern" of behavior would have to be established for this to he "harassment" or "stalking." By itself, the threat appears to hold no serious weight.

- Carl
For a threats charge to have any weight there has to be something about it that gives the victim some imminent fear for personal safety. Even if the threat carried a specific date and time, it wouldn't rise to the level of being criminal.

A restraining order would be the most realistic option.
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