Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft First Offense & Shoplifting

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New Member
Alright, this is my first offense. I was caught at Dillards department store stealing a pair of $98 jeans in which I put in my purse in the fitting room. I live in Oklahoma and I am 19 years old. Apparently I am hearing that some department stores have cameras in the fitting rooms and it's legal?? Anyway, after I walked out the doors, a lady grabbed me and brought me back to the office and she already knew what was in my purse. The police eventually came and wrote me a ticket. They told me it is a misdemeanor. I am in school doing my pre-nursing classes and plan to be a physician assistant or a nurse practitioner which is a very serious job requiring around 6 years of school. I cannot have this offense getting in the way of future. This shockingly happened to me and I had no intentions in stealing. After I tried them on, I planned to buy the expensive jeans even though I never spend that much on them, but then my friend encouraged me to steal them. After that, I felt suspicion coming from an employee so I told my other friend that I need to put it up and then she said I'd be fine and that we should leave. BAD IDEA (obviously)! I have a good head on my shoulders and am mature for my age. I regret every bit of this and it is out of my character to do this type of thing. What can I do to help me in court? I am choosing not to tell my parent but have discussed this a lot with my brother. I have court on the 27th so there isn't much time. I heard about a program- NASP or something (??), that I can sign up for to make me look like a better citizen. I need more info about that. Should I hire a lawyer? The thing is, if I am going to get off with volunteer work and a fine, and be able to get it expunged later on, i'd rather not have the extra fee of paying a lawyer. But if the only way I will get away with it is if I do have one, then I guess I will do what I have to do. I need advice pleaaaaase. I can't ruin my future and I don't want them to give me the most harsh punishment.

Thank you!! :)
On top of everything, also- how can I have an attorney assigned to me or at least public assistance? or are there lawyers out there who will help me for cheap? ehhh, i have no knowledge to this subject
You open the yellow pages and start calling. Many offer free consultations get as many as you can. They will discuss their fees at that time as well. If you cannot afford any of these Lawyers ask for Public defender on first court date
Do not go to court without legal representation - especially with your future in mind, you need a clean background. People do not hire thieves.

Pay your civil demand, if possible before court. Take the receipt of payment and give it to your lawyer. This will help show remorse. If you cannot afford a private attorney and you qualify for a public defender, get one. If you make too much money for a public defender, scrape, scrounge and borrow money to get a lawyer. You need one.

Good luck to you.
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