Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft fired for stealing

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New Member
today i was fired for stealing over a period of 10 months the items were energy drinks orange juice advil n small amounts of money from my register the amout came out to 49.70 some of the items of the paper work i believe to b false because i work at 5 am n somthing get drinks n pay for them later only using the upc they took me to lp office and talked to me for a long time n asked me to write down what happened and sign it and there would b no futher action taken im really scared because this is my first time ever getting in trouble besides a speeding ticket i just got fired no police were called or anything i dont know what to do know because i want to start looking for a new job because i have my CNA license but i am afraid that i wouldnt get a job becasue of what happened i told them i was willing to pay everything back and was very sorry for what i did but i dont know what to do will i get charged im in california plz help
Where they have until the statute of limitations runs out to file criminal complaint its unlikely. The best time to file such a complaint is at the time of the arrest or interview not later. If they told you there was not going to be any further action then take them on your word long as you comply with any promises you made
im really scared because i know that the manager didnt really like me i promised to pay everything back i am sick to my stomach now for what i have done 3 other people were also fired for the same thing except the money they said no further action but i have been reading anything can happen even jail
Jail is not likely even if they pursued criminal complaint. However a criminal record could ruin your career
There is nothing you can do. I doubt they will file any criminal complaint. Just keep whatever promise you mad eto them and all should be fine
im just really worried n scared because i thnk my whole family would b hurt if i went to jail or anything would it have been better if it were a smaller about say like 15 or 20 dollars
As I already stated I doubt they will file criminal complaint at this point unless you fail to keep whatever promises you made them at time
they didnt give me one like i said this happened today they had me write down what i took and that i was sorry and i told them n wrote down that i would pay all 49.70 of it back but thats all then he said to sign the ppaer walked out the manager came in told me i was fired n walked me outside n thats it
thats why im saying do i just call lp or the manager or how do i tell them im ready to pay for it cuz they didnt tell me anyhting like to set up payment or a deadline or anything like that
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