Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Fined for not having 0mg% alcohol while driving

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New Member
I was at a party and after the party i wanted to move my car a few hundred feet to park and go to sleep. I was stopped while not doing anything wrong, and asked to take a breathalyzer test, and had a 0.013mg% alcohol level. In my province it is illegal to drive with anything over 0.08mg%, but because i am only 17years old, and it stakes on my license that i have to have a 0.00mg% alcohol level. I was fined 172.50$ and will lose my license for 12 months. Now my question is; on the ticket the officer wrote in the you are charged with the following offense " having a class 7 level one and having a BAC above 0mg%". In my province there are 2 levels on the class 7(which is a novice license), level one is what we call a beginners license(you can only drive with someone over the age of 21 and only have one passenger) and then if you pass your driving test you receive a class 7 level two and can drive alone and with how many passengers your vehicle fits legaly. I hold a class 7 level two and the officer wrote on the ticket that i had a level one. Would this case be treated as a miss written report and dismissed without me losing my license? Another treat to my adventure was i had possession of 4grammes of marijuana, the officer told me that if i payed my ticket and didn't take it to court that he would not charge me for the marijuana, is the officer allowed to do this? or is he just trying to get me to pay the fine?
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