Filing motion to dissolve a permanent injunction



I'm about to file a motion to dissolve an injunction in FL. This is how I'm going to word my reason for doing this:

The scenario underlying the injunction never existed so the continuation of the injunction is not serving a valid purpose. Had I been available to attend the hearing at the time I would have contested it. I have never been in violation of the injunction in the last 18 years so I respectfully ask the court to dissolve the injunction because I don't want it on my record.

Should I delete the first two sentences to keep it simple or will keeping the whole thing be better?

Back story: A woman I broke up with started harassing me so I called the police and her trespassed from my property. Later I was served with the injunction. She did this for the sole purpose of retribution. I was unable to attend the hearing because I was traveling to visit family. I sent the judge a letter explaining what happened but I still got the order for a permanent injunction. This happened 18 years ago. Will the court give me her address so I can serve her with the motion? (By certified mail.)
Will the court give me her address so I can serve her with the motion?


That means you're already dead in the water unless you find her some other way.

And trying to find her may be a violation of the injunction.

Catch 22.

After 18 years the injunction hasn't brought you any harm. I suggest you let sleeping dogs lie.