Personal Bankruptcy Filing Bankruptcy with NO money, HOW?

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New Member
Hello… Let me start off that I live in Florida.

I have some real big problems that I have put onto myself, VERY long story, losing my job, back child support (because I haven't worked in over 3 years), being taken care of by my EXWIFE (she doesn't want to see me the street and yes I guess we can be called girlfriend/boyfriend), on and on.

To my point… I have some credit cards bills that haven't been paid in over 3 years, I have had my house in New York (lived there before Florida) taken away because I couldn't pay the mortgage or taxes, a travel trailer taken away ($18,000 outstanding). I am so stuck I do not know what to do. One Company has a judgment on me for $11,000+ and I have two other cards that haven't taken me to court yet. Like I said above I have no job and am not sure if and when I will ever get one. My ex and I have had a baby that is 3years and the ex wants me to take care of her while the ex goes to work and I have done that for 3 years now (main reason for not looking for work). AND to top it all off I just got back from court for 3 years of back child surrport (I am back $22,000 with that), it took $500 right then and there not to put me in jail, lucky for me the ex had the money, sorry that is another problem I will be posting.

In any case, I was wondering is there ANY help for someone like me to file Bankruptcy? Meaning I have 0 money to pay to a Attorney. Is there some type of public help for this type of case?

The way I see it between the child support and my problems of owning money to credit companies I am afraid I am going to end up in jail (let me add I have NEVER seen a jail)

Please help.
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