Filing a grievance for verbal abuse

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New Member
I want to file a grievance against an attorney that I worked for. The grievance involves verbal abuse and an incident of physical abuse towards his employees. This man was just voted one of the top 10 atty's in Michigan and he treats his employees horrible. Screaming obscenities, calling names, he even went so far as to assault his secretary. I understand that treating your staff like crap is not against the law and legally there is nothing that can be done. This attorney as been grieved previously for his volatile behavior to another attorney.

I am not necessarily filing this grievance for myself as I am for the staff that remains there, I am very lucky to be out of there. I do not have "proof" like recordings or dates of his abuse, but everyone in that firm has been victim or heard his fits of rage.

Several questions:

1. What if any benefit could come of filing this grievance. Will it just be ignored because verbal abuse is not a crime?

2. What legal rights does he have, can he sue me for filing this grievance?

3. Since he has a previous record of volatile behavior, will this add further validity to my claim?

I was laid off the end of December, I know that he will probably try and say that I am disgruntled because I was let go, but the truth of the matter is that is was the best thing that could have happened to me.

I have my grievance form all filled out, but want to get further advice before I send it in and open up pandora's box.

Thanks much for any advice.

You have no standing to file a grievance on behalf of anyone else.

So tell, us: What did this attorney do to you?

And with whom are you filing this grievance?
I guess I kinda figured that I couldn't really do anything for anybody still there. It really is unfortunate, becaues no one else will stand up to him. What did he do to me? He created a nightmare office environment with his screaming tantrums, swearing, name calling like "f-ing idiot", insults involving the f-word on a continuous basis. I was so intimidated that I would literally feel sick to my stomach whenever he approached or god forbid, called me into his office.

I guess I just don't understand how someone can get away with something like that. He has already been grieved by other attorneys for his behavior and I know of another employee filing an actual suit against him. He just doesn't understand or care how his behavior affects his employees, they are miserable. I'm not sure how the grievance committe runs, do they have any power to do or say anything to him about it? It sounds trivial now that I am writing about it again, but it really isn't. He just needs to hear from someone that how he treats his employees is unacceptable. No one in his office will stand up to him, and now that I am gone I wanted to be that person, the one that opened his eyes to what he is doing.

Isn't there something in the code of conduct for attorneys that instructs them on how to treat employees, or is that just for clients? Fortunatley I am no longer there. I know I will probably just have to wash my hands of this man and try and forget the last 5+ years that I worked for him. I am trying to get a job with an atty that sits on the same MTLA board that he does, I am sure that this potential new employer would be uncomfortable if I went ahead with it if I did get the job.

forgot, I was planning on filing the grievance with the Attorney Grievance Commission in MI.

For that commission, you can make your complaint as broad as you want.

I have no idea whether it will get you anywhere.
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