Corporate Law File answer por se for corporation

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New Member
I had a law suit filed against myself and a LLC and corporation which I own.
I filed an answer on time on behalf of the companies and myself. I own 100 % of the companies. The people which filed the lawsuit have committed fraud,clouded the title of a property which I own and many actions against me to cause damage which I don't know if I will recover from.
They have put me in a position which is causing me to lose everything and at present time can not afford an attorney to pursue them. My question is how can I file a answer so to sucure a court date and file motions on behalf of the companies until which time I can hire an attorney to represent me and the firms. I have look in the state statues and rules and have found that a corporation orr LLC can prepare legal documents without it being considered to be practicing law and I am trying unsucessfully to find case law which allows a officer and or member with full ownership to file these documents in court.
I would appreciate help in finding the appropraite way to file an answer and motions until which time I can retain an Attorney.
A corporation is entitled to defend itself in court as much as any person.

I am trying unsucessfully to find case law which allows a officer and or member with full ownership to file these documents in court.

You don't need case law. Just fill out the statement of defence (or whatever is required) in the corporation's name and file it.

How you do those things depends on your local rules of court. But there should be no problem with you doing it acting in corporate capacity.
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