Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Family member caught "shoplifting"

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On July 18, 2008 a family member of mine wanted to exchange a necklace at Urban Outfitters (a franchised clothing and accessory store in NYC). The line was very long and she did not want to wait so she simply put down the old one and picked up a new one from the pile. As she walked out she was confronted and told to go into an office. She was told that she had to agree to not come back to the store for three years and then was given a statement to sign (which she does not have a copy of). Last week she received a notice from a law office saying that a legal action is being taken against her and that she must pay a fine of $365 within 10 days otherwise will be taken to court. The letter also stated that it was her second notification (but she hasn't received any other letters). What should she do? She remembers 100% that the security and managers did not tell her that should would have to pay, because she would have offered to pay that day. The necklace costs $18. Thanks in advanced.

PS- does the timeframe of 10 days really matter?
The letter is Civil Demand its legal and state law. If she fails to pay they will raise the price maybe triple it! If she still fails to pay they can sue her in court and win! this will raise fee again plus add legal fees and court costs thus making her few hundred fine possible thousands! She needs to call the number on the letter and make payment arrangements of pay it in full!
So theres no way she can justify herself and maybe have them lower the fine? She found the receipt for the original necklace btw. Should she just go about handling this herself or should she hire an attourney to try to settle for a lower price?
At first the store refused to speak to her. After a few calls we found a lady who was very understanding and she told us that if we faxed over the original receipt, she would try to get the attorney to lower the fine as much as possible. Thanks for the help!

my friend went to urban outfitters and tried to steal a shirt that was $16.00. She is 19.Needless to say the door alarm went off and she was caught. They brought her down to the office where they took down her license, had her sign a thing saying she wouldn't go back to an Urban Outfitters for three years. Then they said that she would be getting something in the mail. A fine. She wants to know if she will get taken to court and if she needs to get a lawyer. The police were not called so she is thinking that she will just get fined. Is that realistic? HELP
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