Fake Summons

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New Member
Had a processor hand me a 2 page alleged summons today. I say alleged because there's no index number, no county clerk signature, no stamp or seal of any kind. There's a lawyers signature, representing some collection agency I never heard of, nor have I ever been contacted by anyone listed on the bogus summons. I emailed the county clerk but won't hear from her until Monday sometime. I even looked up what a Summons should look like and while it's close, there's some details not present.

In the meantime, I'd be interested in hearing anyone's take on this.
Seems pretty cut and dry. Attorney firm is Mel S. Harris and Associates whom I've discovered through research is pretty shady here in New York state.

I suppose in the long run my question would be, would it be necessary for me to go to the county clerk and dispute it even though this is obviously bogus? Any takers. Details would be appreciated.

I did file a detailed complaint with the FTC and am going to with the NYS Bar Association also. Any pointers would also be appreciated.

Is there a case number?
File an answer. If it's bogus, no harm done, if it's real, you won't have a default against you.
If it's from a collection agency and it's bogus, you have a FDCPA violation. File suit against the agency and/or collection attorney.
No, there's no case number. It looks like something I could have done easily with MS Word. Like I say, Mel Harris and Associates are an attorney firm that pulls all sorts of illegal stuff like this. How they continue without being barred is beyond my comprehension.

Thanks for your time.
The official word is in. The County Clerk proclaims the "Summons" as a fake.
My letters are written, copies made of the farce Summons and today I send them off to their respective jurisdictions. Now let the Bar Association deal with them.
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