Failure to use due care

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New Member
I was issued a citation for failure to use due care earlier this month. I have talked to an attorney's office and they said they will go to court for me, but I am wondering what are the chances of having this reduced or dismissed? I rear ended the guy, so I'm not sure the chances are good but I thought I'd get some input from someone who might have more experience with this than I do.
This is my first accident...I have had 2 speeding tickets maybe in the last 10 years or so. Also, the guy filed a bodily injury claim (later that night) but when i spoke to the insurance they said so far it appears to be just soft-tissue damage. I am worried that he might try to sue me. If I pay the fine, is that an automatic admission of guilt?

Basically, I am wondering if it's feasible to have the charge fought in court or if I should just pay the fine? Any advice would be appreciated....
I would go with what your attorney is telling you. I would say that if they guy didn't walk out of the ER with a neck brace or the like, that you are probalby safe. Also, your insurance should cover any settlement from a lawsuit if there were one.

Even if the charges were reduced, they still could sue since, regardless of the charge, you hit them, and you are responsible, but in the end I don't think that will happen given the info so far. Your advantage to taking it to court and getting the charges reduced is it may help your driving record, which might keep your insurance rates from increasing as much.
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