Failure to maintain control

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New Member
I'm 16 (turn 17 in 3 weeks) in the state of Ohio. I wrecked my car on November 8th, which at the time I had only had my license for 5 months. I got cited with failure to maintain control because I came around a corner too fast and hit a patch of gravel. Hitting the gravel caused my car to veer off to the right, I then panicked and over corrected it to the left. When I did this my car went down a 8 foot drop, I then hit a bank and it made my car flip. No body was injured. What will my court sentence be?
Your parents need to get you a lawyer & then talk only to the lawyer. The lawyer will get you the best outcome possible.
Likely just a fine. The worst of the damage will be your insurance cost skyrocketing. You could also have a license suspension.
You can expect to be charged a fine or court costs.

You can expect to have trouble getting insured, and your parents' insurance rates will skyrocket, if they re-insure you.

But, you're also going to lose your license for a year or two, so insurance won't be an issue right away.

You're unlikely to do jail time.

But, you might be placed into a community service program, and you could be required to write an essay on safe driving.

When your license is revoked or suspended, don't be stupid and drive without one, because when you get caught gain, things will get tougher.
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