Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft f1 visa student got arrest by shoplifting

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I am a collage student from China with a F1-visa. I recently got arrested in NYC for shoplifting (a 180$ T-shirt). Since it was my first offense, the charges of shoplifting were reduced to a disorderly conduct in the court. The public attorney, who accessed to the court papers and my file, told me that the arrest should have no effect on my status or my ability to leave and return to USA, and I should be able to renew my visa in China. After participating a 2-day- community service, and paying a 120$ fee to the criminal court of the city of NY, I took a certificate of disposition paper from the court with me, and went back to China accordingly. By the time I filled out the DS 160, I chose a "yes" under the question: have you been arrested before. And I, further, addressed that I was arrested for shoplifting in NYC. Two weeks ago, I received a blue letter called 221 (g) Administrative processing. Thus, I was required to provide all documents related to arrest. On this account, I called the court for the complete document of my arrest, and faxed both the document and certificate paper to the Embassy. However, I did not get any response back from the embassy after all. And now, I am worried about my visa renewal, and my ability to back to US.
My question are: first, whether my arrest of shoplifting would lead to a rejection on my visa renewal? Second, if so, would it mean that I will not come back to the USA for my collage?
Please help so that I can better prepare myself mentally and otherwise as well.
A shoplifting offense is a crime of moral turpitude, however your final outcome was not theft and should not harm your coming back to US. Your problem is you told officials you were arrested and charged with theft not disordely conduct. These things do not get resolved quick. If you want to speed process contact your Attorney so he can press issue
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