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New Member

I loaned an out-of town-guest $80 on Feb 2nd. She said she would send me a money order when she got home later that same day. On the 9th, I had not received the M.O and I called her. She said she sent it on the 4th. She asked me what would I do if she didn't send it. Jokingly, she claimed. I said I didn't want to entertained the thought and we left it there. She is known for her trickery, however. It is now 2/12 and I still haven't received it. We only live 230 miles apart in the same state.

Now, to answer her question and ask my own. Would it be extortion for me to "suggest" to her that if she does not pay me, I will divulge a secret she wants me to keep? The amount is too small for small claims and I am not sure if it is a valid oral contract.

Thank you in advance for your response.
Q: Would it be extortion for me to "suggest" to her that if she does not pay me, I will divulge a secret she wants me to keep?

A: Possibly. By the way, if she is known for her trickery, why did you loan her money?
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