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New Member
Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope someone can point me in the right direction. My husband is developmentally disabled with I.Q. about 69 and Dyslexia. He has met a man who is much older and allows this man to influence him. This has become a problem. The man has used my property [brothers and mine through inheritance] to store equipment on, without my permission. He calls my husband at all hours and requests favors that interfer with plans we had made. He asked my husband to sign a 2-year contract for a cellular phone because he has no credit. My husband did enter into this contract with him, for a cellular phone,with my husband as the person responsible for payment. My husband cannot read. I am at wit's end. What do I do? Is guardianship a good optiion? My husband says he owes this man the work, time and whatever he asks, because the man has sold him a camper, ready for the landfill for $600. No wirtten contract accompanied this deal. No receipts are ever given my husband for any services. My husband says he trusts this man! I truly believe he is being exploited by this person. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should i see any attorney? Get some sort of order to keep the man off my property? We have been married 26 years. It has not been easy, but never anything like this.
Google your state laws on adult guardianship and see if your husband meets the criteria to have a guardian appointed. It is not an easy thing to do legally and emotionally he will resent you for it if he is not in agreement. What documentation do you have that his IQ is 69 and he is dyslexic (which in itself is not reason enough for a guardian to be appointed)? Also gather and keep documentation of the matters you posted which may prove his inability to handle his own financial affairs.
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