Exhuming a body

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New Member
I have a question about the legal requirements to be able to exhume a body. My brother was killed in a car accident in April 2008 and was buried in a cemetery plot that I own. His wife is now threatening to have him exhumed and moved to a new plot if we don't give in to her demands about numerous things. Can she do this without my permission if I own the deed to the lot? What are the legal requirements to exhume and move him to a new plot?

I have a question about the legal requirements to be able to exhume a body. My brother was killed in a car accident in April 2008 and was buried in a cemetery plot that I own. His wife is now threatening to have him exhumed and moved to a new plot if we don't give in to her demands about numerous things. Can she do this without my permission if I own the deed to the lot? What are the legal requirements to exhume and move him to a new plot?

As his legal next of kin, she will have a lot of pull with a judge in order to get an exhumation. Unless he had a will that specified his wishes to be buried in your plot, she just might be able to sell it to a judge.

If it were me, I wouldn't give in to blackmail ... unless she deserves what she is asking for.

- Carl
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