Exclusion clauses

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Doris regularly parked her car in a lot. The sign at the entrance of the carpark included the following:

'All vehicles parked at the owners' risk. Owner accepts no responsibility for any damage and/or loss howsoever caused. Vehicles will only be released on production of ticket.'

Last weekend Doris parked her car in the car park. She had also left her new Note 6 Samsung hand phone which she purchased for a gift for her husband, together with her laptop on the rear seat of her car. After her shopping, when Doris went back to retrieve her car, she discovered it was missing from the parking lot. Following an investigation, it was discovered that the parking attendant had been approached by a man asking for a duplicate ticket. He had complained that he accidentally dropped the ticket on the floor of the toilet which was wet and it had subsequently torn to pieces. The attendant had then issued him a duplicate ticket. The man paid the maximum parking charges including the penalty. He took the ticket and walked away. Shortly after the attendant finished his shift a new attendant took over. After the new attendant took over, the man drove off with Doris's car.

Doris seeks your advice on whether she can sue the lot owner for the loss of her car and claim damages for her belongings in the car. Advise her
Sorry, mate, we're just a bunch of silly Yanks.
We know US laws, but nothing of the laws in Kuala Lumpur.
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