Ex-Girlfriend trying to sue me for everything

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New Member
This is the deal....

I dated this girl for about 8 months...everything was fine and dandy in the beginning as relationships always start out...but anyway, She is now trying to threatening me with everything she can think of...She told me she was going to hurt herself badly and tell the cops i did it.....she has put my me and my family down just because we dont have alot of money like her...She works for a shady real estate lawyer so she thinks she can sue for whatever she wants to make up and get away with it....She had a retired cop pull my infomation so she can find out my background.....i never signed any papers giving her that right....i never told her to do that.....now she just keeps going on and on about Me being with another girl....and i havent been, she keeps saying and texting me with things like "i know you are F*$King somebody else:...."i hope she is better than i was"..etc. What can i do about this.....how can i get rid of this girl??....do i need to talk to a lawyer or what????
cut off all contact with her period. By all means go to the cops and keep those text messages. You will need evidence if she strikes. She cannot communicate with you unless you let her. Change all your numbers, e-mails, etc.
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