evil step mother

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New Member
When i moved my step mother took all my personal documentation such as bith certifcate, savings bonds, act score and college papers and refuses to send them to me this has put quiet the hailt on me going to college is there anything i can do to make her give me my documents?
Yes, speak with your father.
Or, ask the police to meet you at her home to do a civil standby while you retrieve your documents a belongings.
Usually they'll meet you and allow you 10-15 minutes to get your junk peaceably.

Or, send away (or personally appear at the county clerk, or wherever) and get certified copies of your birth certificate, ACT scores, college papers, etc...

Certified or duplicate documents (ACT for example) are as good as the originals.
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She is also keeping your savings bonds! "nice" lady - not! Try to get your things back following army judge's suggestions above.

Are you a minor?
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