Evidence needed to sue for money owed me

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New Member
I'm going to sue an ex-friend for a check she gave me for $3900 which she was supposed to pay me back in 2 weeks (my county limit on small claims is $5000). The check she gave me isn't dated, but is signed and in the memo section she wrote "Thank you". She told me to hold it for 2 weeks and she would let me know when to deposit it and then I could put the date on it. I have a copy of the check I made out to her, cashed the day I gave it to her. I never dated and deposited her check to me because I knew she didn't have the money in her account. I later found out that her account had been closed. I have a copy of my statement that says a check for $3900 was paid but I can't locate the actual check where she signed the back. My question is what evidence do I need to bring to court besides the check she wrote me? Is that enough?
Q: Is that enough?

A: It may be enough. Take it to court and find out.
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