Eviction filed by non disclosed property owner

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California

We are purchasing property along with both homes located on this property, we live in one house and we have tenants renting the other house. We have had a rental agreement with these tenants for the last five years though they have lived in this house for 15 years total. The person we are buying the property from has decided 5 years in to this that he now wants to be partners, though this was never the plan or in the agreement. As a partner he wants to live in the other house so he has served our 'good' tenants a notice to move and has now served them with eviction papers. I have of course , helped them with filing the answer and they go to court in 2 weeks which we will be there also on their behalf. Can this guy do this just because the property and homes are not paid off yet? We are still paying payments on the property and homes and he has no action against us at all.
We are the disclosed property owners to these tenants, they have never been told at any time anything different, they pay their rent to us with receipts every month.
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