Eviction and legal status

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New Member
I own my home and decided to rent out my spare room for the summer. I did not require any kind of signed lease and have been more than generous and patient with my roommate. She does not pay rent on time, and we had our first fight that has proved terminal to our relationship. She is looking for another place but has resorted now to intentionally doing things to piss me off relating to things I have asked her repeatedly to keep clean or not to do.

I read that I can provide an eviction notice for non-payment of rent, but otherwise I have to follow Washington state's 20 day rule. First, do we legally even have a tenant/landlord relationship without a written agreement? (The monthly rent we did agree to is less than $500, but the total summer amount is over.) Second, can I serve a "pay or vacate" notice myself? It looks like "Seattle" has their own eviction restrictions; I live in the 'Seattle area' but my address is not in Seattle, so does this apply to me?: http://www.accessevictions.com/id86.html. Finally, what is the time frame to make the 20 day notice valid in terms of the end of the month, etc.?

Thank you
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