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New Member
Someone please help!!

I am trying to sell my home. I had a contract that fell through because of financing. She said she had $25,000 to put down on the house, but when trying to get the mortgage she did not have the money, she said it was gone. She never let anyone know this until almost the last day of the 30 days. Anyway I am trying to get her deposit, which is $2000. My realtor says that since his real estate office is not going after the money, they will not pursue it. If this is part of my contract, the escrow money - saying it will go to seller for xxxx reasons. Isn't my realtor responsible to at least take the 1st step by at least sending it to a mediator or something?? Isn't this a standard contract issue? Even if, by chance it is found that I am not entitled to the funds, who decides this? My realtor said I have to hire an attorney to try and get back any escrow money, even if there is no doubt that I am to recieve this, if he/broker is not to benefit from it. :eek:

Please help. I hope the above makes sense:eek:
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