Medical Malpractice Erroneous DNR Form in Medical Files

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New Member
My mother recently learned that there is a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) directive in her medical files at her doctor's office. She did not request that action. She recently received copies of her medical records and saw DNR three times in her file associated with different medical appointments. While my mother was recently admitted into the hospital, the attending doctor (part of the practice she goes to) asked my mother if she knew there was a DNR directive of file. My mother absolutely didn't know about it and is mad, scared and doesn't know what her next step should be. Prior to even knowing about this my mother was planning on changing primary care doctors because the one she goes to doesn't listen to her, dismisses her ailments, etc. Now this! Needless to say my mother is petrified to visit her doctor's office for fear that she'll have a heart attack or something and they'll let her die!

What course of action should she pursue?
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