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New Member
hi, i need to be emancipated. i need to know everything about it. especially what the first steps are. and if it's possible for me.
Hi, i'm Nicole and i'm 17. Im in the same situatoin as you right now. My life at home is a living hell. My dad drinks all the time, and my mom does drugs, and they both verbally abuse meh, and occasionaly they hit meh. I wan't to leave home. Alot of what you can do varys from state to state. My biggest worrie is that if I leave home without permission even though i'm 17 and in these curcumstances that I may beh forced back home, although I don't feel it is in my best intrest. The advice I can give you is that to be emancipated you have to have a job and be able to support yourself, you have to be at least 16 you have to be able to maintain a decent living enviroment and take care of yourself, and then on top of that you have to have a good reason for wanting to leave home. I found this number on an emancipation website you can try it, I'm going to call tomorrow the number is 1704-280-2416. Also if anyone has any ideas as to whether or not they believe the police would make meh come home, can I have your opinions please.
hi, i'm 24 and left home when I was 17. I did not run away I packed my stuff and left. My life there was terrible, my mom only pysically abused me a small amount of times and i must say she never beat me, she like to grab and shake me. although she did hit me in the face once in a shopping mall and then ran me out of the store yelling at me like a crazy woman the who 30 min. trip home that "they" were after her for hitting me and it was all my fault, and if she went to jail i should know that that was all my fault for making her hit me. Mostly she spent her time telling me how everything i do is wrong, how all her problems in life are my fault, including her medicle problems. I had different rules for me and my brother and was told "boys are different they get more freedom ". At 16 I was not allowed out after dark. I don't mean wandering the streets I mean anywhere. I was not allowed a drivers liscense although they had bought my brother 3 cars ( he totaled 2 , both accidents his fault) so I know seriously about how sucky a home can be.

Emacipation I think for most people is a waste of time. For one you will most likely get denied even if you can meet the qualifications, simply because the courts have to be very careful at who they declare legally able to care for themselves. Also without alot of evidence against your parents it will be hard to prove their is a reason. I know one person who managed to do it and only because she had a baby at 13, and now at 16 her mom signed papers in agreance with her emancipation.

I say it is a waste of time because instead pumping hours of your life into something that probably won't happen, work on getting out from a slower method. Get a job and save every penny you get. if possible buy a car so you have transportation. Work hard at school so u can get scholarsips so u don't have to pay your own way through collage. These things will make it possible for u to move out once you do hit 18 right away.

Maintaning your own place is harder than you know, not because you are stupid just because you haven't done it before . You can't know how something works until you have done it. For example in my area the average job a person straight out of highschool with no special training will pay them about $7.50-$8 an hour, that gives you roughly 1,100( if you work 40 hours a week) a month after taxes. now the average one bedroom apt. in the bad side of town will cost you $550. a month, on the good side upwards of $600, but for now we will talk about the low end. ok so out of your montly income u can deduct $500 so that now leaves you with $600.00, lets deduct about another $130.00 for lights and water ( remeber your living in anolder less taken care of building so lights and water are going to be more pricy ) so now you have 370.00. Now lets take out a low end of $40.00 a week on groceries and household needs ( toilet paper, light bulbs, windex, soap, socks, bandaids) so $160.00, you now have $210.00. Now u need to pay for gas for your car, lets say u use $5.00 a day in gas thats 35 a week so thats $140.00 monthly. You now have $70 left but not in a lump sum u have $17.50 a week that u can spend on whatever you like. Thats if you don't get sick and take a day off from work , in wich case u are in the hole now for about $64.00.
Now consider these figures do not include health or car insurance.
So save save save, then one your 18th b-day u can move out with a nest egg and be able to live a little more comfortably than other wise. don't watse your time trying to work the courts, save your money and get yourself setup so u can live a better.

good luck to everyone, no matter what you decide.
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