emancipation in ny state

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New Member
:( ok i am writing for a friend she is 16 (17 in 2 months) she is mentally abused at home. He sister has hit he but her mother wont let her call the police cause she says she deserves it she is a good kid and shes scared to go home she was sent to the mhu ward the concluded she was bypolar and sent her home with a perscription her mother wont fill it she says she dont need drugsshes afraid to stay there what does the law say can she leave at 16( i did but it was 10 years ago) i told her shes welcome to come live with me but i have kids and dont want her to actually runaway and come here cause i could get into trouble but im very concerned she has tried suicide and said she would be better off then with her mom and her dad is a loser that has trid to rape her her parents are not together but her mom says if she leaves again shes going to sent her to her dads
Very concerned:(
Emancipation may not be the best option

Those are some pretty scary things you mention. Not getting adequately treated for bipolar is a big problem. But you also raise the possibility of sexual abuse which is very upsetting.

I don't have any legal advice for you. But some things ocurred to me. Are you sure she is at risk of being sexually abused? If you're not positive you might want to contact these folks: http://www.stopitnow.com/help.html. They have a website and a 1-800 number to call for information. Also try these folks http://preventchildabuseny.org/aboutchildabuse.shtml.

Do you think you can talk to her mother about your concerns for her? If you think she'll listen that might be a good place to start. Perhaps her mother will let her stay with you for a while. If you think talking to her mom will put in her more danger-don't do it.

You could also discuss your concerns with someone else in her life. A teacher, her doctor, maybe a minister or priest who knows her and can offer help and advice. You many want to place an anonymous call to NY child services (1-800-342-3720) as well. Child services isn't a perfect system, but if you don't think you can help her child services will start the ball rolling. If she is being abused and no one does anything, it won't stop.

You're a good person for caring and trying to do something.

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