Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Duplicate post regarding teen sex

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New Member
09-01-2004 - 06:06 PM

I was devastated to find out that my just 16 yr. old has recently having sex with her soon-to-be 18 yr. old boyfriend. I haven't figured out what I want to do, but I want to cover all the bases and be knowledgeable if I do decide to take legal action. I doubt that I will, but just in case.

I feel completely betrayed because I have never allowed my daughter to be unsupervised with this boyfriend and to get permission to go to her boyfriend's house I talked to his parents and told them that they are NOT to be unsupervised, that they must be in the "family" rooms of the house (i.e. kitchen, living room) and absolutely not in the bedroom. They allowed them to go in the bedroom and KNEW they were having sex. Is this contributing to the delinquency of a minor or just inadequate supervision?

I am so sad.
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