Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Drug Paraphenalia charge from '94

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Can someone please help me....
I have a drug paraphenalia charge that just came back to haunt me from 12/94.
It showed up on a criminal background check (I am a Nurse).It preventing me from working now.
I just paid the "bail"-$250.00. I am to call tomorrow for a court date.
This happened in Union City, NJ.
What can I expect? I am REALLY scared.
What are the possible outcomes?
What should I say or not say?
How can I stop this from affecting my ability to work?
I had never been in trouble like that before or since. I have a young child, and have been working streadily since 2000. Previous to that I was at home with the baby and went back to school.
Hmm. I know that there is a way to pretty much buy non-felony accounts off of your record, you may want to call around the court and see how that process actually works for you.

Paraphenalia isn't a huge charge, I would talk to a lawyer for atleast a consultation session, due to the length of time its been since that charge you may be able to find a few nice beaurocratic loop holes.
that seems insane. was paraphenalia a class c misdemeanor in Maryland back in 1994?
what happened/what did you have to do when the charge was first brought?
how old are you and how old were you at the time of the charges?

Seeing as how this is so old, and you are a productive member of society, offer the State Attorney a plea deal which will include "withholding adjudication", which means that it will not go on your record. you'll take a slap on the wrist, maybe a fine with 6-9 months probation, maybe a few drug classes, but all in all, you should come out of this unscathed.
I don't know what kind of misdemeanor it was back then. It was NJ too.
I was 34 at the time. I wasafraid so I didn't follow up with it. I also was financially unsound and didn't have money for fines. I just paid $250.00 which was considered bail. I do now have a court date for 7/2.
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