Driving Classes

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New Member
I received a Reckless driving ticket in NC (95/65 on I-85). I have called the courts and spoken to a few lawyers in NC. The court suggested this driving class:


but advised not to take it until approved by the judge.

I talked to a lawyer who suggested that since I live in Virginia, I could take this online class:


He said that it is the same class and that he has advised many people to take it. Have any of you taken these classes or done community service to reduce your tickets? Did it work?

Most of the lawyers have told me that my best shot is a PJC, for the reckless charge but the judge will not likely let the speeding charge go.
North Carolina Reckless Virginia License

Most of the lawyers have told me that my best shot is a PJC

Then they do not know what they are talking about. PFJ is the correct term and it is only for North Carolina drivers. If the reckless ticket is entered it will translate to a six point ticket on your Virginia license and a huge insurance increase. Sounds like you have received two citations. If you can get the reckless dropped the NC DMV will not report the speeding to Virginia. You need to verify this with the NC DMV, not an attorney.

Find out the ADA that is handling the case and the office hours. Go in and talk to them in person and see what you can work out. Otherwise find an attorney that knows what he is doing and let him negotiate for you. There is a find an attorney link on this site and you can email me for some more references.
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