Assault & Battery Domestic battery & Criminal Mischief in FL

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What kind of trouble am I looking at? My only prior on my Adult record is a disorderly conduct from 4 years ago. I'm turning myself in tomorrow night so I can see a judge on Tuesday morning.

I am not getting a lawyer and am not posting bail. I wont have a warrant for another week yet, but it's best(I hope) to do so now before the warrant comes out.
The consequences of a domestic violence charge vary- if this is the first offense (meaning it is the first time it happened, not the first time reported) then the severity of any injuries should give you an idea of what the consequences will be.
You won't spend much time in jail. You are likely to be put on probation, pay some fines, and be ordered to some anger management classes or something of the sort. If you are served with a protective order requiring you to stay away from the house/spouse/kids, then don't violate it... if you do then you will certainly go back to jail.
You will likely be released after seeing the judge Tuesday.
The victim was my girlfriend and she only received a few scratches on her chest. I have never had any trouble like this in the past for DV, so I should be good on that part. We live together and there is no restraining order or any protective orders or anything. I have been back here since the night it happened which the night it happened i ran before the cops got here, but they haven't been back yet. She is making me turn myself in tomorrow.

It looks better to turn myself in, then to get caught by a cop and taken to jail right? What should I do/say in processing to help make this easier for myself? I wan to get help with my anger management and take some classes.

This whole thing started because of alcohol, which in the past alcohol has gotten me in trouble with family, but not the law. I haven't drank since this happened a week ago, so I'm in going in with good hopes.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the sheriff deputys took pictures of the damage I did which was a damaged back door and a damaged couch. I threw an axe thru the back and hit it on the couch. My girlfriend and her brother saw the axe, but I never threatened anyone with the axe or anything or that sort. When they tried looking for me I hid the axe in the woods and ran away in the woods for the nite. They couldnt find the axe or me, but they do have tons of pictures with the evidence. She wants to drop the charges since she knows that was not me. Alcohol brings the bi polar personality out of me. I know there is pretty much nothing we can do, but or me to go turn myself in with her with me.
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I wouldn't count on being let go on your own recognizance.

You have all the evidence about the weapon, as well as fleeing and eluding police.

and if you tell the judge "alcohol brings out the bi-polar disorder" he may smash you in the face with his gavel. . .
The axe does change things a bit. I'm not surprised to hear about the alcohol, but do yourself a favor and don't try to use alcohol as an excuse.
In my area a DV charge is an automatic $50,000 bail which means you have to come up with about $5000. Make sure you have an attorney present before you talk to anybody.
Yes, it most certainly was you. She is in denial and you are making excuses. This kind of perspective won't get you far with a judge. Don't make excuses.

I dont take medicine, I did from the age of 4-18. I am diagnosed with bi polar and adhd and did counseling and monthly checkups when i was younger for years. I do have a history of bad tempers and the paperwork to prove all my mental disorders. Should I bring this with when I turn myself in? I am not a threat to anyone or anything. I just need the help that I have been putting off through all these years due to having not enough income to provide for medicine or the counseling that i need.

I do have a feeling I will be in jail for atleast a few months because of the axe, that was the wors mistake I ever made in my life. As I have mentioned before, I cant afford an attorney or bail...
I think the paperwork is important because a lot of people claim bi-polar disorder when they're just idiots when they drink. A manic episode may have been the cause of your actions, exacerbated by alcohol intake. However, as far as tommorow goes, I don't know if it will help or not, just important to be able to produce it later. . .

Hopefully the State has a program that will give you the medication you need. Being an unmedicated person with bi-polar disorder is like a ticking time bomb.

I take it you are going to go to the police station? You might wish to call them first to prepare them.

It is important that you tell the police nothing. Tell them you have to wait to talk to an attorney. Don't tell them about the bi-polar disorder, don't tell them you're sorry about the alcohol. . . tell them nothing.

Good Luck to you! Sorry if I was snappish about the "gavel" remark, it's just so many people don't want to accept responsibility for their actions anymore, and bi-polar disorder is the thing people bring up when it's just the fact they're idiots when drunk, or have bad tempers. . .etc.
I take it you are going to go to the police station? You might wish to call them first to prepare them.

It is important that you tell the police nothing. Tell them you have to wait to talk to an attorney. Don't tell them about the bi-polar disorder, don't tell them you're sorry about the alcohol. . . tell them nothing.

Wait to talk to a attorney? I have no money to afford one, lol. The place I am going is the County Joint Detention facility/courthouse/utilties place.
Perhaps you have never heard this before... but if you can't afford an attorney, the court will appoint one for you free of charge.
Don't give a statement to the police until you have consulted with the attorney and discussed everything.
So what exactly do I do when I go in jail? I dont have a warrant yet, so Im not sure what to say or do. I will take your advice and ask to talk to an attorney, but I am going in around 9pm, so I dont think I will see one that late at night. Im assuming they might process me and then take me to population and then see a court appointed lawyer in the morning/afternoon and then on wednesday finally see a judge in the morning time?

I had my girlfriend call the responding deputy to the call and he told her I have domestic battery and criminal mischief charges. I will get questioned for this? They already took pictures of the damages. there is already evidence against me. and i am turning myself in on free will, therefore i am basically admitting being guilty.
I am also curious if there is anything I can do for leniency since I own a small profitable business and do have a decent job. What i'm talking about is like extended probation, community service and jail on weekends etc
Well I was on the way to turn myself in tonite and I chickened out. I am definitely going in today(Tuesday) at around 6pm instead of 11pm.

On a side note, the responding deputy today came early in the morning while everyone was asleep and knocked on the door. nobody answered, so then he walked the house and knocked on the bedroom windows, wtf? the neighbor saw him and said he had a paper in his hand.... i thought a warrant takes two weeks?? he called a few hours later and said he still looking for me. its only been a week...

anyone have any other things to say before i actually turn myself in this time?
A warrant can happen within hours.

I'm sorry, but, I think you're probably a simple minded idiot, and you should get an attorney as soon as possible, because you can't think for yourself. You probably have a hard time breathing and walking at the same time, so stupid you are.
A warrant can happen within hours.

I'm sorry, but, I think you're probably a simple minded idiot, and you should get an attorney as soon as possible, because you can't think for yourself. You probably have a hard time breathing and walking at the same time, so stupid you are.


I went to go and turn myself in earlier tonite around 11pm. I walked in the lobby of our counties main jail/detention center. I gave the guard my ID behind the glass window through the metal box and told him I'm here because I was told I was wanted for questioning. Waited a few mins and he tells me they have nothing in the computer. My heart was beating fast as hell the few minutes I was there. :eek:

What an awkward situation. Going to jail to turn yourself in and to realize there is nothing in the computer, and you walk out with a out-of-jail-free-card(for now) :eek: Guess i will see in less then a week for that warrant to come out.
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