Does the utility company have legal standing to trim my trees ?

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New Member
The utility company in my area is in the process of trimming trees that are close to the electric lines. The company doing this has "butchered" many trees during this process. I have searched for any state law (Indiana) or local law (Evansville) that gives the utility company the legal standing to insist upon trimming my trees. I have been unable to find any law stating "yes" or "no". Does anyone have an answer to this question ??
Originally posted by dad55:
The utility company in my area is in the process of trimming trees that are close to the electric lines. The company doing this has "butchered" many trees during this process. I have searched for any state law (Indiana) or local law (Evansville) that gives the utility company the legal standing to insist upon trimming my trees. I have been unable to find any law stating "yes" or "no". Does anyone have an answer to this question ??
Are the trees being trimmed on your property? If there is an easement to the lines then you might want to look at the easement (look at the papers with your deed.) You are also dealing with two different issues -- (1) whether they have a right to trim trees in order to access the lines and make them safe [would seem appropriate or else the trees would destroy the electric lines?] (2) while they have the right to cut down the trees, the job done was potentially done inadequately or negligently.
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