Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Doctor shopping?

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I am a chronic pain patient who has a legitimate script from a noted Chicago-area pain clinic. Over the past few months, my tolerance has increased and, instead of going back to my doctor, I went online and received a script for the same drug (hydrocodone) for less pills. I filled the script at Walgreens successfully twice, with 2 refills each time (six times total - once a month). Yesterday, I turned in a new prescription for the same meds, same doctor to Walgreens. I called to see if it was ready and I knew something was up. Then i checked the website and it said the script didn't exist. I am not going to pick up the prescription. Can I still be arrested for doctor shopping? Can the police investigate me based on dropping off the script? Please, I'm so afraid. Thank you.
This post seems unclear as to what you did. Did you get a script from the pain clinic & have it filled at Walgreens and a script off the internet from a different Dr. and also had that one filled at walgreens or did you buy pills off the internet?
I am sorry, but I am also confused about the post.

" I called to see if it was ready and I knew something was up."
-What do you mean by this?
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