Do I have a cause for action? Please help

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New Member
Until recently I was an eBay seller and made a fairly good income doing so. The products I sold where service based rather than tangible products. I recently ran into a disgruntled buyer who had purchased numerous times from me. The buyer opened 25 eBay buyer protection cases against me for non receipt. eBay only gives the seller the option to provide tracking information from a known shipping company e.g.: UPS to combat non receipt disputes. I can prove that I did indeed provide the services via email messages to and from the buyer. My question is do I have cause for action. If so what would I sue for? Who would I sue, and finally I live in NY and the other partie's reside out of state. Would New York's long arm statue apply here?

Thank you,
Kim B.
In America we can sue anyone, at anytime, for anything.

All you need is a filing fee to start that legal case that's eating away at your soul.

Filing the case can sometimes be done without the fee if you're destitute and can prove it.

Back to YOUR little deal, no, NY can't reach out and touch Jimmy in Wyoming, Colorado, Mississippi, or Timbuktu.

Well, not in small claims, anyway.

And, if it wasn't in small claims, it's so difficult that even lawyers screw it up.

But, that said, Jimmy can't use the long arm statute in Ohio to reach out and have Ohio touch you, either.

Some folks call this (in westerns) a Mexican standoff.

You're stuck with the 25 negative reports.

The old perv, err customer, who was not satisfied with the "messages" will have to find another vendor.
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