Do I have a case?

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New Member
On August 13,2006, I asked my friend to manage my two properties in baltimore City county. In one of the properties, I have a tenant. And the other vacant.

We had verbal agreement that he will manage the properties and I will pay him 10% of the rent from the tenants monthly.
As a matter of fact, he collected the August 2006 rent from the tenant in the first property and told me that he will use the money to advertise the other vacant property in the newspaper.

Two week later, he called me and said, he has a friend that will get 3 tenants in the vacant house for a monthly rent of $400.each (total $1,200), and said I will be paid $750 and he and his friend will take care of the maintainance & utilities. I agreed.

He never told me he signed any agreement with the friend.

On April 20, 2007, I inspected the property with three tenants only to discover that additional two rooms (making 5 tenants in the property) were constructed without my verbal or written consent as the landlord. I told him that was a breach of trust and that he should hand over all the lease agreement signed by the tenants and their security deposits. I requested to manage the properties myself. He refused to handover the requested documentation claiming he already signed a 3 year agreement with his friend.

Do have chance in the court of law?

Your expert opinion will be appreciated.

Thank you
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